Black Walnut Hulls: The Health Benefits and Uses

Black walnut hulls are the outer shells of the black walnut tree (Juglans nigra). The hulls have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries by indigenous peoples and herbalists. The hulls contain a number of beneficial compounds, including tannins, juglone, and flavonoids, which contribute to their many health benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the uses and health benefits of black walnut hulls.

The History of Black Walnut Hulls

The black walnut tree is native to North America and has been used by indigenous peoples for thousands of years for its medicinal properties. The bark, leaves, and hulls were used to treat a variety of ailments, including skin conditions, digestive issues, and parasitic infections.

In the 19th century, black walnut hulls became a popular treatment for intestinal worms in the United States. The hulls were ground into a powder and mixed with water or another liquid to create a bitter tonic. The tonic was believed to kill and expel intestinal worms from the body.

Today, black walnut hulls are still used for their medicinal properties. They are commonly used as an herbal remedy for parasitic infections, digestive issues, and skin conditions. You can buy black walnut hulls powder online.

Health Benefits of Black Walnut Hulls

Black walnut hulls have a number of health benefits, including:

1. Anti-Parasitic Properties

One of the most well-known health benefits of black walnut hulls is their anti-parasitic properties. The hulls contain juglone, a chemical compound that is toxic to many types of parasites, including worms and protozoa. Juglone works by disrupting the energy production of parasites, which eventually kills them.

Black walnut hulls are commonly used to treat intestinal parasites, such as roundworms and tapeworms. They are also used to treat parasitic skin conditions, such as ringworm and athlete’s foot.

2. Digestive Health

Black walnut hulls are also beneficial for digestive health. They contain tannins, which are a type of plant compound that can help to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Tannins also have astringent properties, which means they can help to tighten and tone the tissues in the digestive tract.

Black walnut hulls can be used to treat a variety of digestive issues, including diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They can also help to improve digestion and reduce bloating.

3. Skin Health

Black walnut hulls are also beneficial for skin health. They contain a variety of compounds, including flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature aging and other skin issues.

Black walnut hulls are commonly used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. They can also be used to soothe sunburned or irritated skin.

4. Immune System Support

Black walnut hulls may also help to support the immune system. They contain a variety of compounds, including vitamins and minerals, that are important for immune function. For example, black walnut hulls are a good source of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant that can help to protect the immune system from damage caused by free radicals.

Uses of Black Walnut Hulls

Black walnut hulls can be used in a variety of ways to reap their health benefits. Some common uses include:

1. Tinctures

Black walnut hull tinctures are a popular way to use the herb. Tinctures are made by soaking the hulls in alcohol for several weeks to extract the beneficial compounds. The resulting liquid is then strained and bottled. Tinctures can be taken orally or applied topically to the skin.

2. Capsules

Black walnut hull capsules are another common way to take the herb. The capsules contain a powdered form of the hulls and are taken orally. Capsules are a convenient way to take the herb, as they eliminate the need to prepare a tincture or tea.

3.  Tea

Black walnut hull tea is another way to consume the herb. To make tea, the hulls are steeped in hot water for several minutes. The resulting tea can be consumed hot or cold and can be sweetened with honey or another sweetener if desired.

Check out a few other tea herbs and supplements.

4. Topical Applications

Black walnut hulls can also be used topically to treat skin conditions. To make a topical application, the hulls can be ground into a powder and mixed with a carrier oil or other topical substance. The resulting paste can be applied directly to the skin to soothe and heal skin conditions.

5. Culinary Uses

In addition to their medicinal uses, black walnut hulls can also be used in cooking. The hulls have a bitter, nutty flavor and can be used as a seasoning in dishes such as salads and soups. The hulls can also be roasted and ground into a powder to make a coffee substitute.

Precautions and Potential Side Effects

While black walnut hulls are generally considered safe, there are a few precautions and potential side effects to be aware of. First, black walnut hulls should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, as there is not enough research to determine their safety in these populations.

In addition, black walnut hulls can cause gastrointestinal upset in some people, particularly if they are taken in large doses. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is important to start with a small dose of black walnut hulls and gradually increase the dosage to minimize the risk of gastrointestinal upset.

Finally, black walnut hulls may interact with certain medications. If you are taking medication, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider before using black walnut hulls to avoid any potential interactions.


Black walnut hulls are a powerful herbal remedy with a wide range of health benefits. They have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including parasitic infections, digestive issues, and skin conditions. Black walnut hulls can be used in a variety of ways, including tinctures, capsules, teas, and topical applications. While black walnut hulls are generally safe, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and interactions with medications. Overall, black walnut hulls are a valuable addition to any natural health regimen.